Sheezan Khan has also reportedly said that Tunisha Sharma had attempted suicide earlier as well, after they broke up. Mumbai: Sheezan Khan, main accused in TV actor Tunisha Sharma's alleged suicide, was "so disturbed by the atmosphere in the country that emerged after the gruesome murder of Shraddha Walkar" that he decided to end their relationship, he told the police, according to news agency ANI. During his first day in police custody, Sheezan Khan told Maharashtra police that he ended his relationship with Tunisha Sharma after seeing repercussions from the Shraddha Walkar case, and told her that belonging to a different community stands in their way, as did their age gap, ANI reported. Sheezan is 28, and Tunisha was 20. No suicide note was recovered at the spot by the police. Shraddha Walkar was murdered by her live-in boyfriend Aaftab Poonawala at their Delhi apartment, her body chopped into pieces and thrown at several places to hide evidence. The case triggered a...
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