Rishi Sunak created history by becoming the first Indian-origin to be appointed as the prime minister of the United Kingdom. Celebrity chef Sanjay Raina has shared a video of his brief yet delightful interaction with Rishi Sunak, the newly appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In the clip, uploaded on Twitter, the chef is seen saying to the camera “Mama, I have got somebody to say hello to you”. He then pans the camera to the left and we can see Mr Sunak saying hello. “Vijay mama, hi. It's Rishi, how are you?” the British PM says. Well, that's not it. Mr Sunak then invites “Vijay mama” to 10 Downing Street. “Hopefully, you come here and see me. So when you get here, tell your nephew Sanjay to bring you to Downing Street. Take care,” he signs off. Taking a fun dig at the ongoing visa issue in the UK, Sanjay Raina wrote, "Visa on arrival ab pakka. [Visa on arrival is confirmed now]” Source Visit These https://newsrecord360.com/where-does-serial...